The Importance of Trade Ports in the National Economy

In today’s world, many relationships between countries and nations revolve around the economy. Countries with developed economies have taken various fundamental steps to promote economic growth domestically, one of which is equipping their ports with all necessary trade standards. The role and importance of trade ports in the national economy are significant not only for exports and imports but also for paving the way for the country’s economic and social growth. Afghanistan also has several active, major ports in different provinces, which handle thousands of tons of exports and imports daily. These ports play a crucial role in strengthening the national economy, which we will discuss briefly here.
Definition of Trade Ports
Trade ports are designated locations used for the transfer of goods for export and import purposes. These ports facilitate the transfer of raw materials, industrial products, food, and various other goods from one country to another, providing all necessary services for transport, loading, storage, and customs processing.
Economic Value of Trade Ports
All countries need to maintain trade relations and partnerships to meet their respective needs. Through trade ports, the groundwork is laid for strengthening regional and international trade relations and cooperation. This allows each country to increase its trade exchanges with its neighbors and other international markets, promoting economic growth and stability.
Trade ports are essential points for a country’s exports and imports. Through these ports, a country can export its goods (industrial products and agricultural produce) to other countries and import necessary items in exchange, which plays a vital role in strengthening the national economy. By modernizing ports and providing all necessary trade facilities, smuggling can be prevented, allowing traders to export and import goods through legitimate channels. A key component of trade ports is customs, which collects fees from all goods passing through. Both imports and exports are sources of customs revenue, allowing the government to collect significant income, which can be used for developmental projects.
To accelerate trade exchanges, new technology is installed in trade ports, and essential trade infrastructure is built, expanding port facilities. Modern and advanced technology is used in technical and logistics systems, which is vital for a country’s economic development.
Through developed trade ports, a country can quickly and safely deliver its produced or transit goods to international markets, strengthening its position in the global market. Strengthening a position in the international market can significantly increase exports, which, in turn, can greatly contribute to national economic growth.
Trade ports are also hubs for attracting and expanding international trade agreements and cooperation, allowing countries to broaden their trade relations with global markets.
The development and modernization of ports play a significant role in increasing a country’s transit rate. When facilities are available, each country tries to transfer its goods through those routes. Increased transit allows the government to collect considerable revenue.
Trade ports play an important role in creating job opportunities. Ports generate many job opportunities for laborers, technical personnel, transporters, and other related sectors, which helps reduce poverty and supports social economic growth.
Active Trade Ports
Afghanistan lacks sea ports but conducts trade with regional and neighboring countries through inland ports. Afghanistan’s major and active trade ports include Torghundi, Islam Qala, Zaranj, Spin Boldak, Ghulam Khan, Torkham, Aqina, Abu Nasar Farahi, Hairatan, and Sher Khan. These ports are currently active and handle thousands of tons of exports and imports daily.
Torghundi, Hairatan, and Aqina are some of the most well-equipped ports, offering almost all trade facilities. These ports have electronic systems for customs processing, large warehouses for storing goods, cold storage, transportation facilities, and, most importantly, railway networks.
Apart from these ports, there are other routes used for trade with neighboring and regional countries, such as Angur Ada in Paktika, Kharlachi, and Dand Patan routes in Paktia, and others.
Through these ports, millions of Afghanis in revenue are collected daily through transparent and electronic systems, playing a constructive role in the country’s economic development.
Efforts by the Islamic Emirate to Modernize Trade Ports
The Islamic Emirate has prioritized modernizing trade ports and expanding infrastructure to promote trade. Trade, buying, and selling play a significant role in the economic development and welfare of society in today’s world. Considering the importance of trade, the Islamic Emirate has paid considerable attention to this area, aiming to increase trade. Moving toward extensive trade requires creating a unified system, removing existing barriers, and reducing customs tariffs.
The Islamic Emirate has accelerated its efforts in this area. These efforts are evident in the installation of advanced systems for revenue collection at ports, hiring technical staff, creating transparency, offering 24-hour services at key ports, building transportation infrastructure, allocating additional land for port expansion, and installing electronic scanners in 12 major ports of the country. As a result of these efforts, trade has increased under the Islamic Emirate’s renewed governance, with the current trade volume reaching approximately ten billion dollars.
Trade ports play a significant role in the national economy. Through these ports, export and import volumes increase, expanding trade. Additionally, they provide opportunities for transit growth. Through developed trade ports, trade cooperation networks are established and expanded with the region and the world. Standard ports pave the way for the introduction of new technology and advanced technical and logistical systems. They also create opportunities for new labor forces and increase the level of national income.