Deputy PM Mullah Baradar Akhund's Speech at Kazakh Delegation Meeting


All praise is due to Almighty Allah!

Peace and God's mercy and blessings be upon you all.

First and foremost, I extend a warm welcome to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the accompanying delegation. It is truly a pleasure to have you here in Kabul once again, after a year.

I wish to express our sincere gratitude to the government of Kazakhstan for the humanitarian aid extended to the Afghan people who have been affected by natural disasters.

As you are aware, the people of Afghanistan and Kazakhstan share religious, linguistic, ethnic, historical, and geographical ties. Moreover, both nations have distinct and mutual interests in political, economic, and social spheres.

Especially since the significant positive changes in Afghanistan more than two and a half years ago, which marked the end of long-standing instability, there has been a golden opportunity to strengthen political ties between Afghanistan and Kazakhstan.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan warmly welcomes Kazakhstan's decision to remove the Islamic Emirate from the list of the proscribed groups.

Both countries can leverage their positive and historical relations, as well as their geographical locations, to enhance trade and economic ties. In line with this, Kazakhstan has taken the initiative to establish its Chamber of Commerce in Herat Province, a move which the Islamic Emirate greatly appreciates.

This chamber will not only boost trade between our nations but also provide vital support and solutions to the challenges faced by traders.

Furthermore, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan wholeheartedly welcomes Kazakhstan's willingness to invest in the Afghan-Trans Railway project, a significant initiative for regional connectivity. We pledge our full cooperation in this important endeavor.

Considering Kazakhstan's substantial oil and gas reserves, it can transit through Afghanistan to South Asia, which has a growing demand for these resources.

Afghanistan and Kazakhstan have the potential to become strong economic partners in the region by capitalizing on the opportunities and needs that exist. It is imperative for both friend nations to collaborate on projects in mining, transportation, transit, services, regional infrastructure, and other key sectors. Such cooperation will undoubtedly contribute to the economic stability, development, and prosperity of both nations in the near future.

Kazakhstan has made notable progress in the agricultural sector, and the Islamic Emirate seeks to benefit from its expertise in this field. We look forward to the technical teams of both countries working closely together in this area.

Afghanistan has recently emerged from occupation and wars, taking significant steps towards development and establishing a free market with robust economic institutions. However, challenges persist in areas such as health and education. The Islamic Emirate urges Kazakhstan to continue its cooperation in these critical areas.

The signing of an agreement between Afghanistan and Kazakhstan to address the challenges faced by businessmen from both nations, resolve banking issues, establish joint Afghan-Kazakh businesses, and facilitate visa issuance for Afghan businessmen would have a positive impact on bilateral trade.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan stands ready to extend its full cooperation in this regard. Additionally, we encourage the exploration of new initiatives and projects that will further develop vital infrastructure, trade, transit, regional cooperation, and economic relations between our two countries.

Thank you for your attention!