Uzbekistan: Ready to Facilitate the Transit of Afghanistan’s Fresh Fruits to Central Asian Countries Starting Today

Thu, Aug 29 2024 1:58 PM
Uzbekistan & Afghanistan

During his visit to Uzbekistan, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar Akhund, the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, met with Uzbekistan's Prime Minister, Abdulla Aripov, on the sidelines of the inauguration ceremony of the "Termez International Trade Center." During the meeting, Prime Minister Aripov stated that Afghanistan holds a significant position in Uzbekistan's foreign policy. To strengthen trade and transit relations with Kabul, Tashkent is prepared to provide all necessary facilities for the export of Afghanistan's fresh fruits to Central Asian countries via Uzbek territory. Mr. Aripov also mentioned that Uzbekistan has introduced its technical teams to extend the railway network from Hairatan to Herat and are ready to come to Afghanistan in September to initiate the project and start gas extraction. He added that Uzbekistan is prepared to work in coordination with the Islamic Emirate to construct retaining walls along the Amu River's banks. Additionally, the Prime Minister assured the Islamic Emirate that the topics discussed during his recent visit to Kabul would be implemented promptly, and joint teams from both countries are closely working together on these matters. The Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs stated that the Islamic Emirate is ready to begin all projects that will play a constructive role in further strengthening and enhancing the relations between the two countries.

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Uzbekistan: Ready to Facilitate the Transit of Afghanistan’s Fresh Fruits to Central Asian Countries Starting Today

During his visit to Uzbekistan, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar Akhund, the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, met with Uzbekistan's Prime Minister, Abdulla Aripov, on the sidelines. . .