The National Procurement Commission (NPC) has granted approval for a total of 25 distinct projects, collectively valued at approximately 7 billion Afghanis

Wed, Oct 04 2023 5:19 PM

The National Procurement Commission (NPC) has granted approval for a total of 25 distinct projects, collectively valued at approximately 7 billion Afghanis.  In a routine session convened today at Marmarin Palace and presided over by the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar Akhund, the NPC scrutinized and deliberated upon the projects outlined in the agenda. During this session, a total of 27 projects were tabled for discussion at the National Procurement Commission. Remarkably, 25 of these projects received the green light for execution, underscoring the significant progress in this regard. Regrettably, two contracts met cancellation. The approved projects span various sectors, including but not limited to the ministries of Communications and Information Technology, Finance, Higher Education, Water and Energy, Rural Rehabilitation and Development, Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat and Kabul Municipality. Cumulatively, these ventures represent an estimated value of approximately 7 billion Afghanis. Among the sanctioned projects are the finalization of pending tasks for Pashdan, Shah Wa Aros, and Kamal Khan dams, the supply of potable water to the residents of Kandahar, Balkh, and Badghis provinces, the provision of essential electricity services to various provinces, the delivery of high-speed and high-quality internet services to the public, and several other initiatives. The successful implementation of these projects is expected to create employment opportunities for thousands of citizens.

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