Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar Akhund's Address at the Opening of Phases 2 and 3 of Milat Steel Milling Factory


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful!

Esteemed government officials, distinguished businessmen, industrialists, investors, and honorable attendees,

May peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you all.

It is an honor to be present among you today at this auspicious occasion.

Alhamdulillah, today marks the inauguration of an iron and steel milling factory built to international standards within our country, marking yet another significant stride towards industrial development.

Indeed, industry serves as the cornerstone of economic progress for any nation aspiring to achieve self-sufficiency. Recognizing this fundamental truth, the Islamic Emirate has created a conducive environment for both domestic and foreign investments in the industrial sector, providing unwavering support to our industrialists.

Regular consultations between the Islamic Emirate and the private sector have underscored our commitment to bolstering the industry and supporting industrialists. Among various decisions, government entities have been mandated to prioritize domestic products in their procurement processes, even if they lag 10%-15% behind foreign alternatives in quality.

Furthermore, the Islamic Emirate has raised tariffs on numerous imported goods that can be domestically produced, demonstrating our steadfast dedication to industrial development.

We firmly believe that the country's progress hinges on the advancement of its industrial sector. To this end, the Islamic Emirate has taken proactive measures to ensure a reliable supply of electricity to production facilities. Given Afghanistan's limited domestic electricity production, today's signing of a contract for the generation of approximately 23 megawatts of electricity in Sarubi district, Kabul, marks a significant step forward.

Moreover, to secure a steady supply of raw materials for domestic iron milling factories, the Islamic Emirate has granted four blocks of iron mines in Herat Province to domestic and international companies through transparent bidding processes.

In conclusion, as a custodian of the nation's economy, I urge all industrialists and investors to channel their resources into vital sectors such as the one we inaugurate today. Let us collectively fulfill our duty in advancing the nation towards self-sufficiency