The regular meeting of the Economic Commission convened at Marmarin Palace

Chaired by Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar Akhund, the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, the regular session of the Economic Commission convened on Thursday, the 18th of January, at Marmarin Palace. During this session, deliberations focused on reducing royalties and customs tariffs pertaining to talc. Following an in-depth discussion, a decision was reached to decrease the royalty per ton of semi-processed talc from 1,800 Afghanis to 1,200 Afghanis and to reduce the customs tariff from 1,000 Afghanis to 800 Afghanis. It was clarified that this decision applies solely to the currently extracted talc, with a provision for a review of royalties and customs tariffs in the event of mining resumption. Additionally, talc traders were mandated to export the stones, in the area, within five months. Furthermore, the meeting approved the plan for the construction of Milat Commercial Market in Kota-e-Sangi area of Kabul city, by the private sector. This initiative, aligning with the Economic Commission's perspective, involves the construction of a twelve-floor commercial market with an investment of approximately 324 million Afghanis. Similarly, the Economic Commission endorsed a plan for a commercial and residential market in Lashkargah city of Helmand, by the private sector. According to this plan, a five-floor commercial and residential market with an investment of about 400 million Afghanis will be constructed. In conclusion, the procedure of Afghanistan's National Economic Advisory Board was shared with the member ministries and agencies of the Economic Commission. All commission members were encouraged to contribute their insights to the next meeting, enriching the procedure. Afghanistan's National Economic Advisory Board comprises university professors, economic experts, and national businessmen who will provide valuable advice to the Islamic Emirate on critical economic matters.