The Deputy PM for Economic Affairs, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar Akhund, Chaired the Economic Commission's First Meeting in 1444

Aug 10, 2022

At this meeting, extensive discussions were held and essential instructions were given on long-term investment by "Mustafa Sadiq Azimi Commercial Company," preventing the importation of low-quality oil, banning the export of scrap iron, and finding solutions to the issues that iron traders are faced with. During the meeting, the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum was instructed to gain information from the partner countries of the TAPI project about the level of the IEA's representative to the leadership of this project. The Ministry should present the required information to the Economic Commission's next meeting.

Also, under the supervision of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the joint delegation of the Ministries of Urban Development, Economy, and Finance, the AOP and Kabul Municipality were tasked with finalizing the scheme of Mustafa Sadiq Azimi Company for the construction of Shahr-e-Naw Park and submitting their suggestions to the Economic Commission.

At the meeting, in order to solve this problem, it was decided that, under the leadership of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, a technical delegation should be appointed by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Public Health, and the National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA), to monitor the process of testing petroleum products in the ports according to the standards of the Afghanistan National Standards Authority (ANSA), and submit their report to the next meeting of the Economic Affairs.

The previously appointed delegation of prevention of metal exports and compromise between traders should restart their job to solve the issue of non-ferrous metals with the advice of the members of the sector and submit their report to the Economic Commission. The meeting ended with a pray for a stable and self-sufficient Afghanistan.