The First Deputy Prime Minister met with the Ambassador of Japan

Nov 24, 2021

Mullah Abdul Ghani Beradar Akhund, First Deputy Prime Minister, met with the Ambassador of Japan in his office. During the meeting, both sides discussed political, security, economic, humanitarian and other important issues.

Mr. Mullah Abdul Ghani Beradar Akhund said that security in Afghanistan is better now than ever before and no one is at risk. He said, "We want good relations with the countries of the region and the world, including Japan, and we are committed to working with them for the betterment of Afghanistan". Abdul Ghani Beradar Akhund added that in the current situation, freezing Afghanistan’s approximately $9,5 billion in assets by the United States and other economic sanctions is not humanitarian and they should release that money immediately.

"We want to work together with the IEA and will continue our humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people in the future," said Japanese Ambassador Takashi Okada. He added that the aid they provide to Afghans should be transparently distributed to those in need.

Takashi Okada also said that they are closely monitoring the situation in Afghanistan and are more confident about security now than they were on August 15, and that they will resume their political activities in the near future and will reopen the embassy.

Mullah Abdul Ghani Beradar Akhund assured Japanese Ambassador Takashi Okada that the security of foreign diplomats in Afghanistan is completely secure and that foreign countries should open their embassies in Afghanistan instead of conducting diplomatic missions elsewhere. Mullah Abdul Ghani Beradar thanked the Japanese Ambassador for its humanitarian assistance and said that the international community's assistance to Afghans would be distributed in a transparent manner to those in need.

During the meeting, both sides also discussed the emigration of educated Afghans. Mullah Abdul Ghani Beradar Akhund said that there is no danger to anyone's life or property. He added that after the military defeat in Afghanistan, the United States and its allies have now started a Cold War here and want to do so to tell many Afghans that their security is not secure under the rule of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. They want to create a gap between the Islamic Emirate and the people of Afghanistan and, by doing this, undermine the unity and solidarity of the Afghan people. He said the United States is paying 10,000 dollars for each person leaving Afghanistan, and that if this was done in any other country in the region, more people would leave the country than Afghans. It is against all international human rights. Mullah Abdul Ghani Beradar Akhund added that they had allowed all Afghans and foreigners with legal documents to leave. "We want the United States to stop such interference in Afghanistan and to return to bilateral cooperation and collaboration with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan," he said.

During the meeting, the Japanese ambassador also expressed concern over human rights in Afghanistan and the reopening of girls' schools and women's employment. "We are concerned about the future of girls and women in Afghanistan, whether they will be given the right to return to education and employment," he said.

The First Deputy PM, assured the Japanese Ambassador, Takashi Okada that they would allow the reopening of girls' schools in accordance with Sharia law. This is being implemented in some provinces. He said, "Within the framework of Islamic principles and adherence to the Islamic hijab, women are currently allowed to work in the Ministries of Health, Education, and Interior, Kabul International Airport, the Passport Department, and electronic IDs."

Mullah Abdul Ghani Beradar Akhund said the United States and its allies considered themselves human rights defenders, but they invaded Afghanistan against all odds and committed all kinds of crimes against humanity here for the past 20 years. After the withdrawal of their troops, they destroyed all the military equipment at Kabul airport, spread fear among the people, and drove them out brutally. They imposed various economic sanctions. However, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, through its efforts, was able to bring this situation under its control and provide all the necessary services to its people.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has rejected all baseless rumors that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan does not allow former government employees into its government. "Except for a few ministers, deputy ministers, and high-ranking officials who have committed many betrayals, all the employees of the former government are working with us and all of them have remained in place," he said.

Mullah Abdul Ghani Beradar Akhund said that the previous government was one of the most corrupt countries in the world and, before the advent of the Islamic Emirate, it had not paid the three-month salaries of government employees. Fortunately, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan paid these salaries together.

During the meeting, the two sides emphasized the continuation of such meetings in the future and the development of relations, and called these meetings useful.