The Regular Meeting Of The National Procurement Commission Was Held Under The Leadership Of The Deputy Prime Minister For Economic Affairs At Marmarin Palace

Mon, Jul 17 2023 4:32 PM

The National Procurement Commission, led by Deputy PM for Economic Affairs, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar Akhund, held its regular meeting at Marmarin Palace on Monday, July 17, 2023. During the meeting, 18 projects were presented for discussion, with contracts for 16 projects being approved, and the remaining 2 postponed. The approved projects, valued at approximately one billion Afghanis, were from various sectors, including the Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Water and Energy, Ministry of Higher Education, Da Afghanistan Bank, Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat, Kabul Municipality, and Afghanistan Gas and Oil State Company. Upon concluding the meeting, relevant sector ministries and agencies were advised to submit their projects to the National Procurement Commission for discussion and approval within a specified timeframe, ensuring a well-executed procurement process.

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